8 Signs You Might Be Addicted to Facebook

8 Signs You Spend Way Too Much Time on Facebook


Facebook certainly isn't the devil, but it can definitely own you. Are you guilty of at least one of these nine warning signs that say it's time to disconnect? 

1) You think everyone has it better than you

Facebook pages are usually highlight reels. People post about their incredible vacations or fun nights out with friends, but rarely talk about their insecurities or struggles, says Dr. Bono. If you think their life is all sunshine and roses, then YOU MIGHT BE SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME ON FACEBOOK!

2) You get annoyed with friends in person

That highlight reel you keep seeing doesn’t just make you feel worthless when you’re alone. You get a sour taste in your mouth in face-to-face encounters with that person. YOU MIGHT BE SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME ON FACEBOOK!

3) You use Facebook to procrastinate

Studies show short breaks throughout the day can boost productivity and creativity. The problem is, a quick, ten-minute social media break can quickly turn into a half hour, says Pamela Rutledge, PhD, director of the Media Psychology Research Center. If 10 minutes turns into 2 hours, then YOU MIGHT BE SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME ON FACEBOOK!

4) Your friends’ posts rile you up

Have you knee jerk reacted to a post lately? Maybe you blocked that friend who can’t stop posting their political beliefs? YOU MIGHT BE SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME ON FACEBOOK!!

5) You won’t stop scrolling until you find something interesting

Zombie like scrolling. Facebook’s design actually sets itself up to be addictive, says Dr. Bono. You’ll glaze over most of your news feed, so you have to dig to find posts that are actually enjoyable. If your scrolling gets in the way of work, family or sleep then, YOU MIGHT BE SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME ON FACEBOOK!

6) Facebook is your main news source

News—both fake and real—are all over Facebook. Just because it’s there, though, doesn’t mean it’s credible. A wise man once said,

If you believe everything you read on The Onion’s timeline, then YOU MIGHT BE SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME ON FACEBOOK!

7) You aren't a supportive friend

Is there a friend on your list who doesn’t stop complaining about life, ailments, etc? Have you found yourself skimming their posts and moving onto something a little brighter? If you’ve found yourself desensitized as opposed to being sensitive and empathetic then, YOU MIGHT BE SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME ON FACEBOOK!

8) You get distracted from your kids

 “I’ll be there in one minute!” Famous last words. Somehow, one minute turns into ½ hour. Next thing you know, they’re fighting or spending too much time on the computer (apple doesn’t fall far), the dog hasn’t been walked, their homework isn’t done etc, then YOU MIGHT BE SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME ON FACEBOOK! Your kids look to you when learning how to balance screen time with face time, so make sure you’re a good role model. Find out if you're raising emotionally intelligent children.

Link: http://www.rd.com/health/wellness/facebook-addiction/

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