The Non-Traditional Thanksgiving Foods Each Part of the Country Loves Most

Are there any foods you ALWAYS had on Thanksgiving, even if other people didn't?

Someone looked at the most popular NON-traditional foods people are serving tomorrow in different parts of the country. Here are the favorites . . .

1. In the Northeast . . . fruit salad. It's 14% more popular than the national average. Beans-and-rice, and broccoli are also big.

2. In the South . . . turnips or turnip greens, 11% more popular. Collard greens and broccoli casserole also made the list.

3. In the Midwest . . . deviled eggs, 11% more popular. Midwesterners are also 8% more likely to serve chicken at Thanksgiving, and 7% more likely to serve Jell-O.

4. Out West . . . tamales, 15% more popular. Glazed carrots were next at 9%. And people out West are 6% more likely to serve tofu on Thanksgiving.

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