These Are The Top Words We Have to Google to Spell

Google Trends posted a map of the #1 word each state has to google, because people aren't sure how to spell it. Most of them are fairly short words . . .

1. Tennessee is the only state with a FOUR-letter word at #1 . . . and that word is "gray." G-R-A-Y is more common in the U.S., while other countries spell it G-R-E-Y.

2. Five states struggle with five-letter words: Wisconsin can't spell "quiet" . . . Kentucky has trouble with the word "color" . . . Hawaii can't spell "bagel" . . . South Dakota can't spell "equal" . . . and North Carolina doesn't know which way to spell "donut."

3. Six-letter words are #1 in seven states: "Friend" in Arizona and Indiana . . . "assist" in Utah . . . "hungry" in New Mexico . . . "cousin" in Pennsylvania . . . "career" in Delaware . . . and the slang term "bougie" in Connecticut. (Pronounced BOOJ-ee.)

4. The top seven or eight-letter words we struggle with include: "Because" . . . "dessert" . . . "favorite" . . . "tomorrow" . . . "question" . . . "teacher" . . . "supplies" . . . "nemesis" . . . and "anxious."

5. "Beautiful" is the most common BIG word we can't spell . . . if nine letters is big. It's #1 in California, Nevada, Oregon, North Dakota, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey.

6. And here's our favorite stat: The #1 word people in Colorado have to google to spell right is . . . "COLORADO." And the top word in Alabama is "Georgia."

Photo: Getty Images

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