Panera Is Giving Out Free Bagels For the Rest of the Year

It's getting close to that time for New Year's resolution, but before you decide that your resolution will be to lose weight, Panera is wanting to help you out with some extra carbs.

Panera is hooking you up with a FREE bagel every day for the rest of the year! All you have to do is sign up for their MyPanera rewards program from now until December 31st. Once you sign up BOOM there you go, free bagels for the rest of the year.

Now, what if you already have a MyPanera account? Unfortunately for those who are already signed up can not get the free bagels. Bummer right?!

Maybe you've got a friend who doesn't have an account and you could get them to sign up and then maybe you can enjoy Panera's amazing bagels! 

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