Bring Mindfulness and Movement to Nashville Schools!

In Nashville there is an educational crisis with many needs and very few resources. Thanks to the help of local non-profit BeWell in School, they are wanting to help fix some of these needs. Through BeWell, Riki Rattner, M.ed.,200RYT and AJ Ecton M.Ed., they teach mindfulness and movement-based stress reduction strategies to students that'll transform non-learning behaviors into emotional self-regulation.

What they do is prioritize meeting students where they are and if they aren't ready to be in a classroom during their learning times, they offer up a space and strategies that'll de-escalate while also providing tools for the student to cope with similar challenges they will face in the future.

They use intentional spaces within the school that will proactively teach and practice movement, as well as breath-work and mindfulness strategies that will help students navigate stressful situations.

If you would like to learn more about BeWell in School and find out how you can help, click HERE!

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